People with dreams and illusion, Pisces Moon Sign, make your way into the scintillating New Year 2011. Plan yourself according to a strategy and reap the maximum benefits which are indeed there for you.
You tend to spend most of your time in your most innermost and private world but you have a tendency to draw people towards you. The romanticism in you is never ending and in its pursuit you may even be adventurous.
Your dressing sense may be in a perfect contradiction to your personality. You are a very pleasant colleague willing to do sacrifices for others.
You can be very logical at one point of tome and can be completely irrational at some other point of time. Your mood, behavior and attitude may not be very consistent. But you are very adaptable as you accept change very easily, being attractive is one of you strong points, you are concerned and honest. You are creative, imaginative, gentle, humorous and intuitive as you have a very strong comic connection.
Now lets us see what is there in store for you in the coming New Year. This guide will help you in planning your affairs so that the qualities mentioned above work best for you.
Jupiter shall be transiting in the Pisces sign till May 2011 and after than it will be in the Arian sign till the end of the year. You have to be cautious for the first five months of the year for this transit of Jupiter as you may be forced to leave your city for some official/semi official works. The expenditure may also increase during this time but as June comes, this transiting Jupiter shall start showering its blessing. The income shall increase sharply, the atmosphere at home shall be more merry. You will be receiving the blessing to Jupiter to the fullest.
February, June and November 2011 are the months when some additional benefits and positivity gets infused by the transiting Mars. The native can benefit by victory over old enemies, old property disputes can get settled, and cure to ailments is also signified.
The placement of Saturn in the seventh house from the natal moon for most part of the year is also not a suitable position for Saturn to be in. The relationship with your spouse can be a point of concern; deceitful tendencies may spurt in you. So be cautious and do not fall in trap.
Rahu shall remain in the tenth house from the natal Moon till May 2011 and thereafter it shall slip in to the eighth house. The initial transit of Rahu in the first part of the year is going be profitable as incomings, happiness and fortune shall grow. There is an indication that your professional life will flourish in this period. Guard yourself against the negativity of Rahu in the second part of the year.
Ketu in forth from the natal moon and then migrating to the third is a situation when the transit in the later part of the year shall be paying in terms of fortune and happiness whereas in the initial part a problematic scenario shall be created for you.
Let us check that how the various aspect of life behaves for a Pisces in 2011.
Overall personality and Aggression:- As Jupiter which happens to be your moon sign lord also transit its own sign, the personality traits in you shall increase. You will be able to control your aggression even. You will lead a balanced mental life this year.
Wealth and Material success:- Just a few months of caution and the coffers begins to fill. Do not panic in the initial months of the year as the majority of the months to come and shall increase your wealth and incomings to a great deal.
Your siblings, courage and small Journeys:- you stand a wonderful chance to mend your relationship with your sibling. If you chose to be considerate all will be. So take the initiative and enjoy this move of yours. The courage part also shall be there for your liking as the initiative taken by you shall win you rewards.
Your Home, family and vehicle:- The family part of your suffers a bit this year. Plan your time so that you spend quality time with them to mend your ties. The situation can improve if there is some thing positive in your natal chart. The second part of the year can really be for some benefit as Jupiter comes to the forth house from the natal moon. Be very careful while handling vehicles, purchasing unnecessary things can multiply to your woes.
Children & Education:- The people who are to take their examinations prior to May should be very cautious with their studies and should plan and execute their study in an extraordinary way as the time demands for more than what you intend to give. After May the situation shall improve and the efforts you put in studying shall not go waste. Understand and make peace with your children as some initiation from you shall be miraculous.
Love and Romance: - If you are intending to start a new relationship this year than believe me that you may not get what you desire. There are strong chances that who choose the wrong one or the one you like may not respond. Your chances to succeed in this venture greatly increase after June this year.
Disease:- It is advisable that you undertake a overall medical check of yours. This is just a precautionary step just to be doubly sure that no disease catches you off guard. The small indication should be removed in this fashion and as a check for the future, mend your fooding habits.
Spouse:- Cultivate good humor and enjoy the relationship with your spouse. Avoid misunderstanding which may turn serious in the months to come. Avoid arguing for petty issues. Shani Shaman( to appease the planet Saturn ) is the best method to ward of this problematic chapter of yours.
Debt and Terminal disease:- Get a multiple and a comprehensive health check-up. The need is quite imminent for quite some time now. Any problem detected now can be dealt in a corrective measure. Do not rot the problem as the results can be horrendous. No need to panic though.
Fortune:- There can be feeling in you that something is not going fine or you may think that the wheel of fortune is not turning and churning as you want. But this is just an illusion as the illusionary in you is bound to think negatively. Come out of it and create a positive atmosphere for you that shall help you to see the year peacefully.
Profession and Employment:- Since the fortune will evade you a bit, plan your steps very cautiously. Seek advices from the pundits of the game. Doubly sure yourself before initiating a new work/assignment. You will feel a lot happier in the initial few months and try to maintain the same thing in the months to follow. A sudden good jump is anyway expected.
Profits:-There shall be quite a few profits for you to reap. Be ready to cash them. The year shall be a giver in many ways. Your income shall increase, you may build properties and there will be steady increase in the incomings.
Losses: - Losses shall be there side by side but the amplitude shall be very less to trouble you financially. There shall be a good number of months specially in the later half when there shall be no loss either mentally or financially. So enjoy the year.
About Author
Jyotishacharya Vinay Sheel Saxena is a prominent Indian astrologer and Vastu expert. He has been practicing
Indian Vedic astrology methodologies and techniques more than 20 years and provides best astrological services as
free daily horoscope,
vastu tips, horoscope, business and education readings.