On this day it is also known that Shiv became ‘Neel Kantaham’ or the blue throated by swallowing the deadly poison that came up during the churning of "Kshir Sagar" or the milky ocean. The poison was so deadly that even a drop in His stomach, which represents the universe, would have annihilated the entire world. Hence, He held it in His neck, which turned blue due to the effect of poison. Shivratri is therefore also a day of thanksgiving to the Lord for protecting us from annihilation.
Now a most important thing to know: If there is Kaal Sarpa Dosha prevalent in the kundli/horoscope of any individual then this is the day when it can get eradicated form the kundli/horoscope and it shall cease to show its ill effect.
What to do: Just offer prayer to Lord Shiva in a prescribed manner with or without the aid of an able Bhramin. After offering the prayer put a 14 faced rudrakash around your neck and bid farewell to that dreaded Kaal Sarpa Yoga.
How to do: The method is very simple, obtain a nag-nagin joda in silver from a jweller nearyby and put this in a bowl (lota) filled with panchamrit( a mixture of Ganga Jal or simple water, curd, ghee, sugar and tulsi). Now put this mixture over the Shiv Lingam in a temple nearby your home. While pouring those mixtures recites the following eleven times “OM NAMAH SHIVAY”. After this place a fourteen faced rudraksh around your neck.
What shall happen: the dreaded kaal sarpa yoga which prevented the positive results to show up in your kundli gets washed away. Now the significance of that Dosha shall cease to bother you.
About Author
Jyotishacharya Vinay Sheel Saxena is a well known indian Vedic Astrologer and Vastu expert and provides best vedic astrology solutions, vastu remedies, astrology forecast, and other astrological solutions.