The general practice of people to celebrate Holi is spread in two days (in many parts of northern India this festival spreads to over five days), first day prior to the full day moon and the other on the full moon day. On the first day huge bonfire are lit on almost all crossing of the localities and people gather there to offer a bit of there harvest symbolising gratitude to the Almighty, they dance and make merry around the bonfire. The next day people come out of their homes in variant dresses and loaded with coloured powder to pour and rub it over family members and friends.
As this day is astrologically very pious, just by a mere notice many fetes can be achieved which can infuse a lots of positivity among us which can show its colours in times to follow. Let us know a few of them.
• This is a special day when the Vastu related issues of your home, factory and work place can be effectively taken care off. Just bring some ash from the bonfire you had lit on the day prior to Holy. Offer this ash along with some colour in the Ishaan corner of your home, factory or work place and see that you have taken care of the Vastu Dosha just for nothing.
• Make a point to visit everyone in your locality and especially the ones with whom you do not get along well. By just putting the right colour on the forehead on the person you could transform the old enmity what you had.
• Rahu is traversing the Sagittarius sign now days and by position it is debilitated. Consumption of alcohol on this day can ignite the debilitated Rahu, which can rub you on the wrong part. Keep off from alcohol and if you cannot consume it in very less quantity.
• Offer your respect to all the elders you meet this day. Ill placed Jupiter shall feel elated in your horoscope.
• Throwing pranks and showering anyone with abuses may do no good to the planet mercury in your horoscope. Avoid this, be gracious and throw pranks only in your friend circle.
• Try to use that colour powder (Gulal) which suits you astrologically. You may be coloured by people by different Gulals but you apply the Gulal to people with is most appropriate to you. The list moon sign wise is as below:
Sign | H A P P Y H O L I | Holi Colours |
Aries | ~Red, Yellow | |
Taurus | ~Orange, Purple | |
Gemini | ~Purple, Green | |
Cancer | ~Blue, Green | |
Leo | ~Red, Yellow, Orange | |
Virgo | ~Orange, Purple, Green | |
Libra | ~Pink, Saffron, Purple | |
Scorpio | ~Red, Yellow, Green | |
Sagittarius | ~Red, Yellow, Grey | |
Capricorn | ~Black, Blue, Orange, ~Purple | |
Aquarius | ~Black, Blue, Pink, Purple | |
Pisces | ~Yellow, Blue, Green | |
About Author
Jyotishacharya Vinay Sheel Saxena is a well known indian Vedic Astrologer and Vastu expert and provides best vedic astrology solutions, vastu remedies, astrology forecast, Kundli matching and other astrological solutions.
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