When we think to start a new venture, both positive and negative thoughts arise in our mind as if the mission will be successful or not. Astrology says that a good muhurat after estimating a panchangraises the chances of success because a good muhurat has auspicious nakshatra, yoga, ascendant, week and tithi, all are very helpful in increasing the success of a work.
Suppose if you want to start a business or want to get married, you need to consult an astrologer so that he can tell you a good muhurat to bring happiness in your life. People fix marriage in auspicious muhurat for a happy and peaceful married life. A marriage muhurat should be carefully decided to avoid any mishap, which afterwards may prove as a fatal mistake.
Lattadosha is such a situation which is considered malefic for happy marriage. Latta means leg, which means if a planet boosts a nakshatralocated in the marriage muhurat then lattadosha is formed.Let’s see how a planet attacks a nakshatra. Sun situated in a nakshatraattacks the 12th nakshatra ahead of it. Mars boosts the 3rd nakshatra ahead of it; Jupiter and Saturn smash the 6th and 8th nakshatra in front of them respectively.
Besides these planets there are some planets which knockout back nakshatra. The full Moon assaults the 22nd nakshatra placed at its back. Mercury boosts the 7th nakshatra and Venus shudder the 5th nakshatrasituated at the back side. Rahuattacks the 9th nakshatrasituated at its back.
Fundamentallylattadosha is unfavourable but it is unsafe if it is made by the malefic planet. In this situation marriage should not be fixed. For example, Jupiter in the kritikanakshatra is strike out the 6th nakshatra ahead i.e. pushya, and if Venus in the kritika is hitting the 5th nakshatra i.e. uttrabhadrapada located at the back side. As lattadosha is afflicted in these cases marriage should not be fixed.
Our life is a mixture of delights and troubles. Sometimes life goes easily and sometimes it can be a bit difficult. We all face some interesting times, arguments, hostility with others and all these are the different sides of life. Sometimes, you face a fight, and then through sharedsettlement and ideas from the elders the fight is resolved.But sometimes, there are some disputes for which people go to the court. Astrology says then you should follow some auspicious muhurats to get benefits from it and a case should be filed in the court after seeing the beneficmuhurats in this problem. Auspicious muhurats are very supportive in giving positive results when a person goes to court to seek judgement.
• AUSPICIOUS AKUL NAKSHATRA - According to astrology the akulnakshatra gives probable and positive results in court cases. Swati, bharani, ashlesha, ghanistha, revati, hasta, punarwasu, anuradha, uttraphalguni, uttrasadha, uttrabhadrapada come under the class of akulnakshatra, which are very auspicious in this respect. A person can get definitesuccess or positive results if he or she files the case onakulnakshatras.
• LUNAR DAY - According to Vedic Astrology an auspicious lunar day increases the positivity of the work, but you may get opposite results on inauspicious lunar day.Pratipada, 3rd, 5th, 7th, 9th, 11th, 13th or full moon days are auspicious for filing a case in a court.
• WEEK DAYS - Sundays, Mondays, Thursdays and Saturdays are good for appealing in a court. If any of these week days have above specifiednakshatras, lunar days then you may get the verdict in yourfavour. To seek judgement, one may follow the auspicious astrological muhuratsspecified above so that verdict goes infavour.
If you want your children to shine in life and make a successful career you should follow the path of Vedic Astrology. Astrology says that child’s education should be started on a good muhurat to make the academic life charming and successful.Muhurats are very effective in making a mission more productive. An auspicious muhurat makes a work successful whereas an inauspicious muhurat may lead to obstacles in a work.Similarly a good muhurat is very helpful for a child who is about to start education. While thinking about amuhurat for education, you should think some other things also.
Time- When the Sun enters in the northern equinox, this time is considered very auspicious for starting the education of a child. Few astrologers say that entire year is auspicious accept the 11th lunar day of Ashadashuklapaksha to the 11th lunar day of kartikshuklapaksha.It should be considered that Jupiter and Venus are not combust.
Lunar day- 2nd, 3rd, 5th, 6th, 10th and 11th lunar days are auspicious for starting the education of a child.
Week days- Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays are auspicious days to start the education of a child. Sundays and Mondays are also normal in this respect. But astrologers say that Tuesdays and Saturdays should be avoided.
Ascendant consideration- It is an outstandingsituation to start education if the muhurathas Ascendant of transferable signs like Aries, Cancer or Virgo, which have benefice planets on 1st, 4th, 5th, 6th, 9th or 10th house, malefic planets on 3rd, 6th, 10th or 11th house and 8th or 10th house have no planets.
Moon and tara
- The day when the position of Moon is on the 4th, 8th or 12th house from the birth sign of the child and the 3rd, 5th or the seventh house is without any tara is a good muhurat for starting the education of a child.
- Starting day of a child’s education intransferablenakshatra like swati, punarwasu, shravan, ghanistha or shatavisha, slighternakshatra like hasta, ashwini, pushya, moola, mrigashira, chitra, purvashada, purvaphalguni, purvabhadrapada or ashlesha is considered very auspicious for the child.
AGE CONSIDERATION- A child’s age is also an important feature ofmuhurat for starting academic life. Odd years like 1st, 3rd, 5th or 7th years are very good. Admission in 4th or 6th years should starts on the 1st or the 3rd month.
- Parents are advisednot start the education of your child during the bhadra lunar day and other inauspicious yogas as these combinations may obstruct good education of your child. Seek the help of an Astrologer so that you can come to know about the best things for your kids. He can be your best friend for your complete life and make it happy and blissful.
About Author
Jyotishacharya Vinay Sheel Saxena "Bajrangi" “Bhagya Samhita wale” is a well known indian Vedic Astrologer Horoscope reader and Vastu expert and provides best vedic astrology solutions, vastu remedies, astrology forecast, Horoscope matching and other astrological solutions.
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