The Moon is favourite of poets and lovers, main interest of scientists and very important in astrology. The Moon is supposed to be queen of the planetary kingdom as Sun is believed as a king. The Moon is the smallest planet. It is smaller than earth and 250,000 miles away from us. Its effect on earth is immense. The sexual urge in human-beings and animals is warmly connected with the different phases of the Moon. In fact, the significance of the Moon is so great that it is called Chakshusi (eye-sight).
The Sun and Moon are the two eyes of the universe. The Moon is very important in Hindu Vedic Astrology and it is used as an ascendant, and all transit predictions are made from the position of the Moon. The Moon's natal position decides the planetary periods and is a very influential predictive system which other astrological systems do not have. The symbol of the Moon is the most mysterious and the planet itself is not less so. The stability and growth of a human being largely depends upon one’s psycho-mental food and happiness. The Moon symbol in a very simple manner shows the supernatural nature of the planet and its relationship with the Sun.
The Sun is the soul of the Universe. The Moon does not sparkle with its own light but imitates the life-giving energy flowing from the Sun. The Sun gives life to the whole planetary system, while the Moon specially directs life to our globe. The Moon is a reflecting medium only so it is incapable of causing any real harm. The Sun represents the positive, or yang polarisation, the father belief, whereas the Moon represents the yin polarisation, the mother belief. It is inactive, womb-like, caring;
consolidate the growth of its offspring, takes interest in every action of her child. The qualities of the Moon are capable of producing good or bad depending on its associations with other planets. Astrologically, the Moon reinforces all planets related with it except Saturn, which oppresses the growing life-energy at every level. The Moon reflects the joy and sharing with peace of mind, however an afflicted Moon indicates the neglect and removal you experience with losing peace. The Moon is the soul of our heart which experiences through the sense mind and body, the most easily hurt and the most vulnerable.
The influence of the Moon in different signs as calculated by Vedic astrology may be as follows:
•Aries Moon: Daring, fervent, unsteady mind, and womaniser.
•Taurus Moon: Easy-going, general, good friend, loved by ladies, happy in middle and end of life.
•Gemini Moon: Psychologist, scientist, diplomat, fond of women, sweet spoken.
•Cancer Moon: Clairvoyant, dependable and loyal friend, own houses and gardens. It gives a calm heart and motherly warmth.
•Leo Moon: Active, few children, women-hater, pleased, annoyed unhealthy stomach, teeth and mental anguish.
•Virgo Moon: Sweet-tongued, brainy, ingenious in arts and scriptures, causes daughters and exist in in a foreign land.
•Libra Moon: Travelling, sarcastic, happy, obliging but rejected by relations, worshipper of Gods, priests and holy-men.
•Scorpio Moon: Respected by Royal family, overpowering and concealer of dishonesties.
•Sagittarius Moon: Poetic, liberal, intelligent, inherits property from father, hates relations and get over by fair means.
•Capricorn Moon: Enjoys likings of wife and children, dramatic in charity, idle but learned, general, nomad, unashamed, painful and miserable.
•Aquarius Moon: Well-built build, extramarital, unfortunate, double-dealer.
•Pisces Moon: Erudite, loving of wife and clothes.
•When two or more people in a family born in the same Nakshatraa.
•Moon weak in Shad Bal.
•When Moon is placed in Lagna.
•Moon anguish from Kemdrum Yoga as there is no planet in front or behind Moon.
•Malefic planets in front and behind of Moon.
•Moon near to Sun in 6, 8, 12 houses.
•Moon is close to Rahu, or birth during a lunar eclipse.
•Moon in Scorpio, which is its Neech sign.
•Birth on the fifteenth lunar date of the dark fortnight.
•Birth in Gand Mool Nakshatras
If Moon is weak in your horoscope, and you are facing its unpromising influence, you should follow some astrological remedies to reduce the negative effects of weak moon.
•Donation with a pure heart to minimize the evil influence of Moon on your life can reduce your problems.
•Donate white clothes, milk, silver, rice, etc. offer water to thirsty people. Donation of Moon’s gemstones is also very good.
•Donations should be done on Mondays and time should be evening hours. Donations should be given to women as it is considered good.
•Keep fast on Mondays. Feed a cow with wheat-bread and crows with rice mixed with sugar. Serve milk dessert to poor people and Brahmins.
•Take care of your mother and other elderly female persons.
•Avoid taking milk every day. Stop wearing white clothes, and perfumes.
If a close relation in a family like parents and children or siblings are born in the same Nakshatra (any two relatives), then due to weak moon limited fortune and reduced vitality is caused for both. Choose a Monday within three or fourth days of the full Moon day. A Monday falling on the full Moon day is better for this remedy. The Tithi or the lunar date should not be a Rikt Tithi. The first Tithi of the Shukl Paksh (Bright Fortnight) is called Nanda. The successive tithes are called Bhadra, Jaya, Rikta and Poorna. This arrangement of lunar dates repeats itself thrice.
Make a place for a Yagya or homa and put a pitcher of water in the North east part of this place. Cover the pitcher with a new piece of red cloth.
Keep 27 small mounds representing 27 Nakshatras. Start the ritual by chanting the appropriate Mantras for all nine planets. Then recite the Mantras for individual Nakshatras starting from Ashwini and ending with Revati. This is followed by 108 offerings of Ghee (clarified butter) and other Havan Samagri along with reciting of the Mantras connected to one’s birth Nakshatra. This will remove the problem caused by the birth in the same Nakshatra.
Keep the 27 mounds outside for birds etc. Sprinkle the water of the pitcher over the people involved and also all over the house. Pour remaining water in a Tulsi plant (or any other vegetation). Take out some of the ashes and keep aside by the affected people in a safe place. Bury the rest of the ashes.
You should seek the help of an expert astrologer if you are facing problems due to weak moon. Have faith in Vedic Astrology and make your life more beautiful and peaceful.
About Author
Jyotishacharya Vinay Sheel Saxena "Bajrangi" “Bhagya Samhita wale” is a well known indian Vedic Astrologer Horoscope reader and Vastu expert and provides best vedic astrology solutions, vastu remedies, astrology forecast, Horoscope matching and other astrological solutions.
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