• Due to the effects of Jupiter you will suffer from physical illnesses and mental tensions. You will have to work too hard for even slight attainments. Your enemies will create problems for you at times and you may find yourself too weak to fight with them. You may spend a lot of money on useless things but you will get adequate inflow of money. You will able to remove all the hurdles on your path of success through hard work and determination. To get better results you must worship Jupiter and give donations.
• Saturn will bring out auspicious results this year. You may observe some progressive changes in business. In your political field, you may get a high position. You can get promotion to an important position. There will be an inflow of money from various sources due to which your financial position will be strong.
• Due to the effect of Rahu this year is generally good for you. During this period you would enjoy good health and mental peace. You may undergo long and short journeys. It can be a foreign tour as well. You can waste a lot of money on this. You will spend a lot of your time on entertainments. Your financial position would be strong as you will be able to earn a lot of money. Due to the effects of Ketu you will be able to defeat your enemies. The people around you will accept your influence. You will do well in your field of work.
• Due to the effects of Saturn, there may be delays and obstacles in the process. You have to put in extra efforts to get the anticipated consequences. You are advised not to start any sort of new investment without going through in detail. The family atmosphere will be satisfactory but the health of some elderly person in the family may not be good. However, on the positive side of the period, you will meet powerful people and be promoted by them. You can get some old payments. You can go on few journeys which may prove helpful.
You always have a positive outlook towards life as you are honourable, gentle and enthusiastic; also you naturally possess the ability to endure any contrary situation with an optimistic attitude. You will get some thrilling offers with new beginnings and ventures coming up. Perhaps you can get a change in location or a new job opportunity. Your family would be important this year and you will spend some quality time with them. You can go on a long family vacation towards the end of the year. You can get some victory in the areas of love, career and other fields.
You are advised not to be so inquisitive because it would make you more curious about your partner. If you are already in a dedicated relationship, you will plan for some meetings so that you can know your partner or spouse better than ever before. Your friendship and other close promises would be melodious. You may have chances that you will reunite with old friends and get introduced to new ones. You will find your relationship with children would be strengthening.
Your social life will be much strong this year. This is also true in case of social settings like that of a family gathering. In terms of romance, even if there are minor hindrances, you will never compromise on your bright sunny viewpoint towards life and people. At the beginning, you may face some emotional commotion, which can be sort out soon with proper communication. Apart from this it is time to take value of your bond. You may go for a romantic vacation.
You may be depending on others for your work and finance. Reliability is the word that best defines you at work. This year has possibilities to give you honours from your work place along with admiration and respect. Your juniors would look up as well as depend on you. Your confidence level will be up as all your overdue credit would be in the limelight. In the first half of year you will get most of the laurels and posies flow in. In terms of finance, it is a time to gain much more than expected.
You may possess new business prospect or a new job offer. You should be open to new scopes and career opportunities. The months of May and June are indispensable for promotions and incentives. If you are related to technology and computers, you can register yourself to advanced courses.
Your overall health conditions would remain stable and fit. You may have some problems related to nervous system and the intestines. Some of you may face skin irritations, but that would be seasonal in nature. In general, you will enjoy outstanding health. If you want to get better physical shape, you will finally be able to achieve your aim this year with some will power and dedication to a healthier way of living. Though this year is attached with both great success blinking with brief periods of blues or disappointment but the committed and lively individuals would remain firmly committed to your goals.
You may be very pleased to have satisfactory and regular financial incomes and gains, throughout the year. You would invest money in real estate, bonds and shares, etc. It will be highly advantageous for you. The year 2011 was full of pressure and financial concerns just because of your dedicating a lot of time for the other persons and reasons. Now you are advised to make a balance of your energies at the beginning of the year because you can be very burdened with work. Do not trust the persons who do not deserve it. Leave them to save your personal finances. It will help you to make the things best in own best way. You should adopt an attitude which comprises in the fact that you are a little more independent, without running of useless risks for any purpose. A proposal for a work from another place will reach you but wisely you will handle in order to make yourself benefitted.
This is favourable year to you and your family. You will be importantly inclined towards your father. You will be a good helping hand to your mother also. Your younger brother and sister will follow your paths. They love you and respect you. You will spend a good time with your wife and children. You can plan for a small picnic with your family. You may face some hurdles in making them understand in some area but you will be succeeded.
The beginning of the year may not be very fortunate for you with your relationship with your spouse. She or he may be irritated with you for no reason. You are advised not to get excited soon on petty matters and handle the situation calmly and quietly. As you know, when the time is bad you cannot turn the table upside down. You should take the help of your children and parents. They can help you in resolving your family issues. Your mother’s health will be importance for you in this quarter. Take good care of her health. Your father is supportive during this period. Your spouse will support you in your work. You may have a good time through the year.
Your children can go overseas for higher education. A long term plan to start a course is due from the long time will take place in this quarter. Enjoy every moment as planetary position is favourable for you this year.
About Author
Jyotishacharya Vinay Sheel Saxena “Bhagya Samhita wale” is a well known indian Vedic Astrologer Horoscope reader and Vastu expert and provides best vedic astrology solutions, vastu remedies, astrology forecast, Horoscope matching and other astrological solutions.
nice and informative information